Quark is super secure and uses a different hashing algorithm with nine rounds of hashing from six unique hashing functions (blake, groestl, blue midnight wish, jh, SHA-3, skein). Three rounds deliver a random hashing function. Even though most believe the SHA2 is sufficient at present, technology is always changing and improving. Just one of Quark's algos, SHA-3, was developed after SHA-2 in case it was somehow comprised in the future. The multiple hash gives a further layer of security against unknowns that will enter the market down the road. Quark generates a new block every 30 seconds. with a 2048 QRK block reward per block that halves every 60480 blocks (~ 3 weeks). Only 247 million QRK mined in the first 6 months, then 1 million QRK every year. Quark has a .5% inflation to keep mining activity going and to keep the block chain resistant against 51% attacks to which Bitcoin is vulnerable. Being only CPU mined, this coin offers the average individual the rewards of m...