Auxilium (AUX): A philanthropy hub with innovative and unique blockchain — FINEXBOX

Auxilium Global, a philanthropic cryptocurrency company with a goal to tackle the world’s ills. It’s a big ask, but with the power of a strong cryptocurrency and a caring community of coinholders, we know we can make a difference.
Our cryptocurrency, Auxilium (AUX), trades on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges.
We use our capital gains to support philanthropic work around the globe, whether it’s planting trees to offset our carbon footprint, piloting a program to help disadvantaged people get enough to eat or helping to fund research for a breast cancer cure.
Our technology revolutionises the way blockchains are formed by limiting control to a series of Auxilium Global-owned computers. As we grow, so will our computer network. That means better security and a vastly smaller carbon footprint. It also means rewards for our coinholders: 8%* each year.
Trading has been enabled for #Auxilium(#AUX) against BTC. #finexbox#likefollowback #Airdrop #IFBDrive #1DDrive #refollow #retweet


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